I had the great pleasure to recruit Elizabeth earlier this year - a story in its own right, for all the best reasons. I was looking for a Heath and Safety Coordinator to call, review and collate complex safety documentation in several languages relating to the 2019 running of the NYC E Prix. In addition to this onerous task, I required Elizabeth to undertake site induction safety training for all local vendors, and to also oversee the reporting of accidents and incidents occurring on site specific to the local vendors, while also managing site visits for the emergency services and local authorities. Now in singularity these duties do not sound like a particularly challenging role - however, if you consider the complexity of the project, the number of vendors staff on site (1000+) the highly politicised and unionised local labour force then you may have just a very small understanding of the duties I set out for Elizabeth in her job specification. I can state unequivocally that Elizabeth performed at an incredibly competent level of proficiency with unparalleled levels of skill and professionalism. Is Elizabeth a health and safety professional? No, she is not, and neither does she profess to be. Is Elizabeth one of the most charismatic and competent managers I have ever worked with? Yes, indubitably and without question. Elizabeth is also one of the most accomplished communicators I have ever had the pleasure to observe at work. 100% professional with an unmatched and multi lingual skill set that was an asset to our event and would undoubtably be an asset to your event.